Looking at all the fear around us, the panic buying, the hoarding, the prejudice and discrimination that often accompany a crisis, it’s easy to forget that we’re all in this #together. We are all simply trying to get through this, to stay healthy, to stay loving. This might mean keeping our distance from others so more vulnerable people can stay healthy; doing the groceries or running errands for your parents, neighbors, friends; or staying in bed drinking bone broth, taking appropriate medication and binging your favorite tv show if you’re not feeling well.
What it doesn’t mean is worrying about what tomorrow, next week or next month will bring. It doesn’t mean ruminating on all the ways the crisis has affected our routines.
The most important thing for us as individuals is re-finding our center of –#peace, #grounding ourselves in what is truly important, and taking what opportunities are given to us, like spending valuable time with our families. While it’s easy to get swept up in the whirlwind of fear, panic and negativity, let’s instead anchor ourselves with #Love and #Positivity.
Yes, our normal routines may have been thrown on its head, the way you like to do things may seem impossible, so take this opportunity to dive deep within yourself and maybe even learn more about yourself.
As we’re literally forced to slow down and retreat, both physically and mentally, into ourselves, choose to see this as an opportunity to try life in a different way or work on those things you’re always too busy to do. Try out some new hobbies, call family/friends you haven’t spoken to in a while, meditate and journal more deeply. It’s okay to take a step back—not only is it okay, but it’s necessary!
✅ Stay focused on the present and making the most of this moment, now.
✅ Keep yourself productive, doing things that bring YOU joy or make YOU feel accomplished. Don’t worry about what others expect you to be working on or expect you to achieve. You’re looking after yourself and your loved ones at the moment, and that’s okay.
✅ Eat well, stay active in any way you can, and respect what your body tells you.
✅ Give yourself something to look forward to every day. This might be a book, an episode of a tv show, a new project, a new hobby, your journaling practice, a ritual, chatting to a friend.
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