


According to psychologist Carl Jung, through self-reflection we’re faced with our “shadow”—aspects your psyche that you prefer not to look at and keep them hidden in the darkness. However, if you do some “shadow work” you shine a light on the dark side of yourself to face your negative tendencies or #samskaras ⁣

Working through your samskaras (those consistent negative behaviors/patterns) via deep inquiry can transform your relationship with yourself and others. Learn to redirect your shadow self through a consistent #yoga practice and #meditation. ⁣

Even try using mantras in your meditation, like “Sa Ta Na Ma”, the mantra for #change and to break addictions or habits. ⁣

Sa – Infinity

Ta – Life

Na – Death

Ma – Rebirth

Sit in an upright position. Close your eyes and focus on your third eye center, which stimulates the pineal-pituitary centers in the brain. ⁣

On “Sa” touch your index finger with the thumb with gentle pressure, Jnana Mudra (knowledge, release from limitations)⁣

On “Ta” touch your middle finger with the thumb with gentle pressure, Shuni Mudra (patience, wisdom)⁣

On “Na” touch your ring finger with the thumb with gentle pressure, Surya Mudra (vitality)⁣

On “Ma” touch your pinky finger with the thumb with gentle pressure, Buddhi Mudra (aids clear communication)⁣

Try this for 5-minutes before you settle into deeper meditation. ⁣

Visit “JennyGB Yoga” on YouTube for some guided meditations.

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