This week I’ve been teaching about #pratyahara, one of the #8limbs of Patanjali’s #yogasutras so the peak pose has been #kurmasana or #tortoisepose in all its variations and modifications.
When we draw inward like a tortoise we can find the experience of pratyahara, sense withdrawal. From this place that is free from external distractions, we can rest in our #trueselves ,also known as #atman, to find eternal peace, more clarity and focus, and even connection to our center.
Turtles 🐢 represent the grounding energy of the Earth. They are slow, deliberate and purposeful. When they draw into their shells, it’s not cowardice but pulling inward to withstand the extreme dangers or disturbances without being knocked off center. This idea is the foundational concept of yoga.
When you get so caught up in the day to day, our connection to our center is lost. Like a turtle, take a moment to draw inward. Listen to the silent rhythm of your breath. Feel brave enough to stand in the middle of chaos and recognize your own powerful center.