While chatting with students before class last week, one student commented on how he’s really been enjoying my thought-provoking posts lately, adding that it’s nice to see positive things on his social media feed.
That led to a discussion about “Why is it so easy to express hate than it is to express love?”
It’s sad to think that most of our surroundings is in that mindset. I guess it is easy to exploit things we don’t really understand, are jealous of, or dislike. Ironically, though, hate is such a strong emotion that sometimes it takes more energy to hate than love.
Before you hate on something, gossip or spread untruths, take a moment to look at yourself first. Most likely, what you’re hating on is actually a reflection of yourself—your own flaws or fears. Perhaps, practice a bit self-reflection and self-compassion to see what you can improve to be more at peace with yourself. Loving yourself first to then love others.