


ob·sta·cle – ˈäbstək(ə)l/ noun. “a thing that blocks one’s way or prevents or hinders progress.”

Today’s practice was about observing what we see as obstacles on or off our mat. Throughout most of the practice we used a block, not as an obstruction, but as an assistance. It was interesting to see if students reacted negatively to a block or if they just went with the flow.

Its a great metaphor for life. There will always be something getting in our way—a car in an extra parking space, stress, a pain in our shoulder, etc—but its important to remind yourself that you cannot always control an action, a situation, a person. Know that you have the power NOT to react negatively to it and give it more power over you.

In Savasana, I played the mantra “Om Gan Ganapataye Namaha” to call upon the powerful energy of Ganesha, the Remover of Obstacles & the Lord of Beginnings as we brought attention to our Muladhara Chakra, the root chakra of beginnings, grounding and for clearing space. For those who asked, the song is by Sanjeev Abhyankar from the album Sounds of Spirituality.

Take this beautiful clear day as your reminder to clear your obstacles! Namaste.

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