


We spend our days giving of ourselves. We give to our friends and family, and we give to our colleagues and bosses. We put our emotional, physical and mental energies into making sure everything is running smoothly, into remembering to arrange that dinner, get that lightbulb fixed and meet that deadline.

How are we supposed to clarify what brings us purpose and joy, when we’re so focused on everyone and everything else? ⁣

By living constantly outside of ourselves, we can become disconnected from our truth and our power.

That’s why is important to take a break to reconnect with your own voice after dedicating so much energy giving it to others. Spending quality time with yourself is such a vital part of understanding your priorities, purpose and goals, and getting back in touch with your strength and direction.

⁣Whether you journal, meditate, read, dance, or do yoga, take that time to retreat into yourself. Retreat into all the parts of you that need Love and Light, and give to yourself.

While it may sound counter-intuitive, you need to provide for yourself first, so that you can give more powerfully and focusedly to others. What can you do for anyone else if you’re scattered, exhausted and confused?

It’s okay to give to .

The energy that you dedicate to you is never lost. It strengthens you as you shine out into the world with purpose, meaning and impact. Retreat and surrender are the first steps to spiritual growth. It can only come from within.⁣

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